Thursday, May 28, 2020

Essay Topics on the Cold War - What is the Difficulty?

Essay Topics on the Cold War - What is the Difficulty?The essay topics on the Cold War are probably the toughest assignments, I have seen in my writing career. The Cold War is arguably the most difficult of all the historical events to write about, as it has many technical terms that do not lend themselves to easy translation from one language to another. Additionally, the world itself was changing very rapidly, and this course of events, in and of itself, has never been able to make a smooth transition from the world to a college-level essay.While I am a classicist, a person who primarily writes about literature, the Cold War is not a 'classic' history. For one thing, the Cold War did not end in one day, or in ten years, or even in a decade. On the contrary, this period lasted longer than the American Revolution. The United States suffered three major wars, and no one can really say what the outcome would have been if the same course of events had taken place at the beginning of the twenty-first century.Moreover, the Cold War was a time when international politics had been literally torn apart, and there were enormous threats to humanity at large. Perhaps, more than any other part of history, the Cold War left a lasting impression on our society. This is because the sense of fear and paranoia that characterized the Cold War period made people afraid of , and therefore, made them wary of everyone.Fortunately, I was able to find essay topics on the Cold War that would be relatively easy to understand, with an emphasis on English grammar. There were two general types of essays on the Cold War; ones written in non-fiction, and ones written in some sort of 'history' text. The history essays could either be about the atomic bomb or the Soviet Union, depending on the class level, and the non-fiction essays could be about virtually anything at all. My teachers went for those types of essays as their easiest choices, as they were easier to teach, and also helped me avo id getting into arguments over those subjects.Of course, the easiest essay topics on the Cold War for me were the ones that focused on Eastern Europe. Naturally, the fall of the Berlin Wall would make one think of communism, and I always preferred to focus on the future of the Soviet Union, rather than falling prey to the trap of dwelling on the failures of communism. Still, in my classes, I learned that students were far more interested in the fall of communism than they were in the collapse of Eastern Europe.Yet the Cold War did not end with the fall of the Berlin Wall. Even though communism has been overcome in Eastern Europe, it is still an alternative political system and is still considered by many to be a danger to freedom.For the last two decades, my colleagues and I have used essay topics on the Cold War that focus on how the USSR has changed. The course of events has been to analyze how the communism that took over in Eastern Europe transformed the Soviet Union, and what t his meant for its citizens. As of this moment, this is perhaps the most difficult time for the Soviet Union, and the problems facing the USSR are arguably worse than ever before.Hopefully this article was helpful in finding essay topics on the Cold War. It is a very difficult subject for students to tackle. As a writer, I have found it to be both fascinating and difficult.

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